
Restoring Balance, Naturally

Essentially U - ITOVI Bioimpedance

"Essentially U" is the application of essential oils to the back and feet. This combines the unique benefits of human touch with the power of essential oils to create an overall wellness experience. The essential oils used in "Essentially U" are chosen for their individual and combined aromatic properties

"Essentially U" incorporates a bespoke ITOVI experience which uses modern technology to send frequencies throughout your body. The ITOVI machine reads your bodies responses to determine which specific oils would best support your body systems. A detailed report is emailed to you, and I use the oils recommended to personalise your treatment.

          The iTOVi scanner is a non-diagnostic device that shows you which essential oils and supplements your body has the strongest response to at the time of the scan.

          The iTOVi scanner combines temperature, pressure sensor, and Bluetooth technologies to generate personalized wellness evaluations.

          Using the recommended products displayed on your scan report may be beneficial for your overall wellness.

          The Health Triad is a sorting mechanism that iTOVi implemented to help convey balance and address three important aspects of overall health and well-being.

For a truely personalised treatment, try "Essentially U".


❀ £45  for 50 mins